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十大网博靠谱平台数字即将上演的好戏一览| 2024年4月

New Updates | April 2024

In this roundup you'll find:

  • How we are supporting startups in 2024
  • How to get involved in our MentorHer Programme
  • Details of our Member Conference
  • Ways to meet other members 
  • How to get the most out of your hiring
  • Everything else that's going on at Manchester Digital!

The Startup Activator

“创业激活者”计划将为处于发展初期的企业提供对创业前景的公正和不加修饰的看法,并介绍所有计划, 在大十大网博靠谱平台地区提供的投资和支持. 

Read the Startup Review report here. 

Are you an early-stage startup founder? 

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司的创业激活器将帮助大十大网博靠谱平台地区的创业公司取得最大的成功, 带着你从想法到早期发展阶段所需的所有知识和资源. 

该计划将包括独家创始人网络见面会, 研讨会和进入包括投资者在内的积极支持社区的机会, trusted professional service support and more.

Join today!

Our next event

Term Sheet: Unlocked’ 

Thurs | 16th May 2024 | 09:30-11:30

Join Manchester Digital on Thursday 16th May, 2024, 亲自参加我们新的创业激活者计划的第四次会议. 名额有限,请尽早预订!

Book now

Can you help startups? We’re looking for partners 


Contact to discuss.

Sponsorship pack

Digital Her

Applications for our MentorHER programme are now OPEN!

MentorHER是一个可持续的指导计划,支持女性在我们地区的科技领域茁壮成长. Community is a huge part of MentorHER, 参与者不仅与自己的伴侣建立了关系,还与整个大十大网博靠谱平台及其他地区的女性建立了关系.


  • 一个启动活动,在那里我们的同伴见面,互相了解 & set intentions for the programme
  • Training for Mentors & Mentees
  • 每月的在线连接会议,导师们聚在一起 & 学员与我们的项目负责人一起进行定制培训 & support responsive to their needs (optional)
  • Monthly Mentor-Mentee meetings over 6 months
  • End of Programme Celebrations

MentorHER并不是教授特定的技术技能,比如编程, 而是利用指导技巧和建议, 网络和其他传统的指导实践来帮助学员发展. As a sector, 我们需要确保不仅鼓励女性澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台,而且要鼓励她们有信心在该行业的职业生涯中茁壮成长. 

Apply to join as a mentee or mentor today

DigitalHer Level 4 Software Developer Apprenticeship


★ High-quality technical training

★ Wrap-around support, 针对女性在科技行业面临的障碍和挑战,进行了额外的培训和发展


★ 18-month programme

★ Induction & ‘get ready’ technical fundamentals training (2 weeks)

★ Technical training & professional competencies units.

★ 2-3 day technical units every 4-6 weeks

支持学徒的进度回顾会议, line manager and dedicated skills coach every 8 weeks


support apprentices with allyship and networking

★ Delivery will be in person

Speak to to discuss this in more detail!



在4月29日之前与十大网博靠谱平台数字公司招募一名数字学徒,以保证他们在即将到来的6月队列中获得一席之地!  开发您的内部候选人或利用我们多样化的软件开发人才库来满足您组织的招聘需求. Get in touch with your MD account manager today!


2024 Event Calendar

Our 2024 Events Calendar is now live!


Download here



Thurs | 23rd May 2024 | 11:00 - 12:30

澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Digital Her和来自我们社区的特别嘉宾,探索您的团队面临的一些隐藏挑战, understand the vital role YOU can play, and celebrate changemakers leading the charge. Be part of the change by lifting as you climb.

REMINDER: 请注意:您必须预订免费门票才能进入DTX 2024参加此活动。 DTX 2024 Tickets

Book now

Member Conference- Tech’s Ethical Future

Thurs | 20th June 2024 | 12:45 - 17:00

6月20日星期四,澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们十大网博靠谱平台数字公司的年度会员大会. 我们将汇集十大网博靠谱平台一些顶尖的数字和科技公司.

通过我们的会员提供的一系列学习课程和网络, 我们将深入探讨当今游戏行业面临的一些最紧迫的问题.

Book now

Other events

Get organised for Q2 and check out our events calendar, featuring events posted by Manchester Digital members.

Events in April 2024 posted by members

Sponsorship and speaking opportunities

Could you present on ‘’Tech's Ethical Future"? 如果您有兴趣在六月的会员大会上发言,请填写此表格.

Speaking Opportunities


Sponsorship Opportunities 

Are you currently recruiting? 

Each Tuesday, 我们在社交媒体渠道和十大网博靠谱平台数字招聘板的群组中分享了招聘板的综述,让求职者发现新的职位. 

If you are recruiting, let me know! Email 

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Programme Manager - Startups


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